Sunday, December 21, 2008

Introduction: A Project I Have Wanted to Undertake for Years...

Hello, welcome to my humble blog! I hope you enjoy your stay. This blog is a project that I have contemplated undertaking for a while now. As suggested by the title of this blog, "Poems Within Poems," I endeavor to find poems within poems. Essentially, I am reordering the words, editing out content, and changing the stanza and line structures of certain poems to find "a poem within a poem," as you might say. Most of the poems that I am editing are "classics" in the literary canon.

This is a personal project of mine, an intimate one in a way. I know that it may seem silly or downright inane to some people who come across this blog (personal projects can often seem silly to outsiders), but I have long been interested in exploring the idea of "a poem" through the editing of preexisting poems. As someone fascinated by spatial structures, I have never fully understood what makes a poem, "a poem," beyond the relatively simple lists of elements that go into what people have defined as a poem.

So, at the heart of this blog, I guess the question that I am posing is: What is a poem? More specifically, to what extent is a poem simply the sum of stanzas and meter and rhyme and words and lines as opposed to an entity that exists independent of language itself? What happens if the "form" of a poem is changed -- to what extent does it remain the same (or become a different) poem in "substance"? How would we perceive a "different" poem that uses many of the same words as a preexisting poem? I am hoping to gain some insight into these questions through this "experimental", hopefully educational blog on the art of poetry.

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